The Forex robot industry is huge online and all the robots you see which claim they can make you hundreds of percent per annum, with little or no draw down – lose money. The reason why they lose money is obvious – so let’s take a look at it.
If you are claiming you can make big gains you would think you would produce evidence of doing so in terms of an audited track record over the long term from a respected outside source but the robot vendors don’t. They either give you figures they present with no substantiation or you get a meaningless simulated track record going backwards, knowing all the closing prices! Well let’s think about this – If I knew the closing price in advance how much money could I Make? I Could become rich beyond my wildest dreams but the problem is we don’t know the closing price and that’s the challenge you have to overcome to avoid being one of the 95% of losers!
Anyone who seriously believes that they will make better gains with less drawdown than the world’s top fund managers for around a hundred dollars should not trade Forex because they will lose. None of the world’s top traders have been replaced by these cheap robots, despite the fact that brokers and banks could cut their wage bills by millions and you know the answer why, if you have read this far.
If you want to make money at Forex trading you can, but don’t think its just a walk in the park because it’s not that’s why 95% of all traders lose money. If however you put some time and effort into learning the basics and get confidence in what your doing, your effort will be rewarded with a great second or even life changing income.
Take Forex trading seriously and you will be rewarded, trust a robot and think you will make a fortune with no effort and you will lose – it’s as simple as that.
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