Forex Trading for Dummies – Trade Forex Using Simple Support and Resistance

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  1. tradeadvisorpro says

    What’s wrong Lisa? How can we help you?

  2. 🙁

  3. excellent vid. thx alot man

  4. John Zhang says

    Thanks so much for the video

  5. tradeadvisorpro says

    Yep, we a bunch of new videos coming online soon.

  6. tradeadvisorpro says

    Great. We are actually working on putting together some videos that are more in-depth on the forex trading for beginners series.

  7. tradeadvisorpro says

    You are welcome 🙂 

  8. freeze4real says

    Can you also do another techniques for beginners, thanks plus I watched your seminar yesterday.

  9. freeze4real says


  10. Bisnis Ilyas says

    nice working

  11. Great video, thanks for sharing it with us! Just proves just why we need to keep our trading simple and not over complicate things 😉

  12. tradeadvisorpro says

    Enjoy the video folks!

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